An experienced Orange County IRS attorney will help you understand your options

If you’re having trouble with tax problems in Orange County, then you need to talk to an experienced tax attorney. You might have been audited, or you might be facing possible additional taxes. An experienced Orange County IRS attorney will help you understand your options, and can build a case on your behalf.

Many taxpayers are unsure about how to prepare for a tax audit, and they may not have access to the records they need. A qualified Orange County tax attorney will help you determine whether you qualify for one of the tax relief options, or if you need to appeal the assessment.

Tax issues can affect anyone. For example, business owners and their employees can face hefty penalties if they fail to comply with payroll taxes. Independent contractors and dual citizens also need to comply with state and federal tax codes. If you are in need of a tax lawyer, you can find a list of top-rated Orange County lawyers below.

Vic Abajian is a former IRS tax attorney with years of experience in Southern California. He is knowledgeable about specialized offshore account tax issues. In addition, he has extensive experience in administrative review and litigation in federal court. In fact, he has served as a member of the Executive Committee of theĀ Tax Attorney Orange County Taxation Section of the State Bar of California.

Michael J. Murphy is a tax attorney in Orange, CA. He has worked with hundreds of clients and has a reputation for winning tax controversy cases. In addition, he was named one of the best attorneys in the OC metro area for 2014. He is a two-time winner of the outstanding service award from the Legal Aid Society of San Diego. He is a past Chair of the Orange County Bar Taxation Section, and he has been listed as a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates.

There are a variety of different types of property tax assessments, and the process to contest them can be a bit daunting. However, with the help of an Orange County property tax attorney, you can ensure that your appeal is handled properly. This lawyer will review the assessor’s records for errors, and he will advocate for you during the appeals process.

If you’re unsure about your situation, contact an experienced Orange County IRS tax attorney right away. An expert can guide you through the process, and he can even defend you during an audit. You might be surprised at the amount of help that a tax attorney can provide. You should also seek a recommendation from a trusted colleague or a political analyst. Choosing a tax attorney who has a favorable track record can help you avoid financial disaster.

Another great Orange County tax attorney is Allison Soares. She has represented many clients before the IRS, and she enjoys helping people with collections and audits. She also has experience in CAP hearings.

Having a tax attorney on your side can help you make sense of the complex tax codes and regulations. You might be able to take advantage of a popular tax relief option, such as Offer in Compromise.

Semper Tax Relief
500 N State College Blvd Suite #1100,
Orange, CA 92868
(949) 506-3457

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