If you have problems with your Braun lift, you may need to contact an authorized service technician. If you attempt to troubleshoot the problem on your own, you may be placing your health at risk. You may also damage property and harm someone else. In this case, it would be best to call Braun Corporation’s toll-free hotline at 1-800-THE LIFT. A representative will help you find an authorized service technician in your area.
Braun lifts may be bent or misaligned
If you have a Braun wheelchair lift, it is possible that the platform is bent or misaligned. This may result in a fall for the occupant. In order to ensure that the platform remains stable, you should check the hydraulic fluid in the platform. This should be changed if the manufacturer has advised you that it is needed.
Limit switches in the parrarrell arms need to be in proper activation
Limit switches in the parrarrell arms must be in the correct activation state for the lift to function properly. These switches are located on the housing 41 adjacent to the hydraulic piston 44. These switches actuate to prevent theĀ www.thebuscentre.com/braun-lift-repair/ lift from rising beyond the level of the van floor.
The switches are spring biased and need to be held in the proper position to operate properly. The switch box 61 has a U-shaped relieved portion 115 for the handrail rod 77 to pass through. The other switch is reserved for additional features and should be in proper activation. The limits of the lift should be checked frequently to avoid accidents.
Pressure limit switches can cause damage
If you notice that your Braun lift isn’t operating as efficiently as it should be, chances are, the pressure limit switch is to blame. It’s a component that limits the amount of force that the wheelchair can be lifted by the lift. If this feature is defective, your lift will not function properly and could even flip the wheelchair user off the platform. One way to check whether the pressure limit switch is faulty is to tap the switch a few times.
If the pressure limit switch has failed, you should perform a manual back-up procedure. A manual back-up pump is located within the pump module and is attached to the tower. The pump has a release valve and illustrated instructions.