Many homeowners don’t realize just how much work exterior painting services can entail. They don’t know how much preparation they need to do, how many layers of paint are needed, or which parts of the house require special attention. Hiring an experienced painting professional can help you understand what to expect, as well as plan the steps to take to protect and beautify your home. Here are some of the benefits of hiring exterior painting services.
The cost of exterior painting services varies from house to house. Painting companies charge by the square foot, by the hour, and by the project. They may also charge additional fees for repairs. The paint companies mark up their prices by 20 to 30 percent. The paint job can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. The more elaborate the house is, the higher the cost. But if you are looking for the best value, hiring a professional painter can save you money and ensure a professional result.
The paint itself costs anywhere from $20 to $70 per gallon, depending on the grade and sheen. You can also choose paints with special features to repel mold, hide odors, or require less coats. Some paints even come with lifetime warranties, though Consumer Reports has found that the warranty on these paints usually wears out long before the homeowner grows tired of the color. The best way to save money on paint is to consider different options.
Before hiring a painting contractor for the exterior of your home, you should know what to expect from their work. This can make the process go more smoothly and ensure the end result you’re looking for. Using the following tips will help you get the results you want. By following these tips, you can improve the look and durability of the work performed on your home. Here are some ways to prepare your home for exterior painting services.
– Before hiring exterior painting services, clean your home thoroughly. A properly-cleaned house will adhere to the paint more readily. It is best to do this one to two days prior to the project to allow the surface to dry properly. Additionally, thorough cleaning will reveal any damage or flaws that may need to be repaired or painted before the paint begins. This preparation work can save you a lot of money in the end.
Before you hire an exterior painting service, you’ll want to know what to expect from the project. Exterior painting services require extensive prep work and repair work, which can take up to 85% of the total time. Experienced painters never skimp on prep work because improper preparation can compromise the entire paint job and cut it short by years. After all, you don’t want to spend all that time sanding, scraping, and prepping, and then having the paint job fall apart within a short time.
There’s no hard and fast rule that outlines the exact timeframe a home should be painted. While experts generally recommend that exterior walls should be repainted every five to 10 years, each home is different. Several factors can affect the amount of time it takes to paint a home, such as climate, previous paint job, and weather. To get an accurate estimate, ask an experienced painting company to examine your home.
Paint type
The choice of paint type for an exterior painting project depends on several factors. For example, the type of paint you use on your house is highly dependent on the kind of weather that it experiences. The best exterior paint is UV resistant, and you can choose it with care by considering its UV resistance. Higher-quality paints will also be resistant to wind-driven rain, mildew, and dirt pick-up. If you’re considering an exterior painting project, you should choose acrylic/latex paints, which are compatible with all types of substrates and don’t fade as easily as oil-based paints.
The type of paint used on your home’s exterior is a crucial factor in the overall appearance. You should choose a color that reflects the exterior design of your house. Select the paint color that best matches the style of your home, as well as the amount of natural sunlight that your home receives throughout the day. Choose darker shades for more sunny areas, and use lighter shades in shady regions. A paint contractor will have an extensive list of paint colors to choose from.