Repairing Cracked Walls in Your Home Or Building

If your home’s walls are beginning to show signs of cracking, it can be a serious issue. While some cracks are purely cosmetic and can be easily repaired with filler, others indicate significant structural problems that may require the attention of a professional building inspector.

In this article, we look at the different types of cracked wall, their causes and repair solutions. We also take a closer look at when the cracking should prompt you to call in a professional for assessment.

Typically, horizontal cracks in the face of a wall are caused by excessive pressure on the foundation of the home or building. They can be fixed with the use of a specialised masonry filler and crack sealant, which not only closes and fixes the wall crack, but also acts as a waterproof barrier to protect against further damage. The specialised filler and crack sealant is then expertly blended into the surrounding wall surface to hide all evidence of the repair work. This final step requires a high level of skill and attention to detail, which ensures that the repair work looks flawlessly finished and does not detract from the aesthetics of the wall.

Vertical cracks in a brick or block concrete wall are usually indicative of foundation settlement, but can also be caused by overloading and excessive stress on the structure. Vertical cracks that zigzag across the wall can be addressed with the use of a specialised epoxy crack repair kit. The crack repair kit is comprised of injection ports that are tapped into the wall at every 12 inches. A small amount of epoxy is then poured on each port. After the epoxy has set, the injection ports are then removed.

Hairline cracks in drywall are usually not to be considered as being of any serious concern. However, they are still unsightly and could be a sign of a more serious problem.

All materials have a finite life and eventually, gravity and weathering will begin to take their toll. This can lead to the degradation of building materials and the appearance of wall cracks. Cracks in a wall can be caused by temperature changes, moisture infiltration, soil movement, substandard building techniques and poor maintenance. Cracks that are 25 millimeters or wider may indicate the need for structural repairs, subsidence (the sudden sinking of a house and its foundations), or another serious problem. In such cases, a professional inspection is essential to determine the cause of the problem and to plan for the required remedial works. It is often the case that these kinds of cracks will require underpinning, which can be a costly process. This is why it’s important to act quickly when you notice cracks in your wall. Contact an Inspect My Home professional to discuss your situation today.

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